


In keeping with its mission of delivering high-quality education to students, the college requires high st和ards of performance from its employees. 然而, 有时会出现员工的工作表现或行为不符合这些要求标准的情况. While the college wishes to assist employees encountering difficulties, it reserves the right to terminate employment at its discretion. 澳门葡京博彩软件的雇佣是基于自愿的,因此任何一方都可以在任何时候终止雇佣关系.

Regardless of any specific policies or infractions listed here, the college has 和 reserves the right to discipline, 暂停, 或解雇员工或采取任何其他适当的行动,它认为有必要保护大学社区成员的权利和安全.


Supervisors may refer employees to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) 当有迹象表明工作表现困难时,可能适合进行EAP咨询. 你的上司会赚大钱的 非正式的 转介,例如,如果你吐露你在个人生活中遇到困难. 你的主管会发 正式的介绍 to the EAP if you had work performance issues. 在这种情况下, 你的主管会讨论你所关心的问题,并概述你必须采取的纠正措施. You would be asked to sign a voluntary “release of information” form, 它允许EAP确认你参加了咨询会议(尽管不是咨询会议的内容). 被转介到EAP的员工应该遵循EAP顾问的建议,并继续满足其职位的绩效期望.


在适当的地方, 该学院对未达到表现标准的学生采用纠正性纪律. 通过非正式咨询, 主管或部门主管将告知员工表现不足或不当行为的情况, indicate the improvements required, 和 provide an opportunity to correct the problem(s). If an employee’s performance or conduct does not improve to the required st和ard, 主管或部门主管在与人力资源办公室协商后,可以采取进一步的纪律处分. Disciplinary actions may include written warning, 悬架, 或根据绩效不足的严重程度和员工以前的工作记录予以解雇.

Immediate Suspension in Cases of Serious 不当行为

严重不当行为的, 部门主管可以立即将员工停职,等待调查完成并最终确定其雇佣状况.


Prior to discharging an employee, a department head must consult with the Associate Vice President for 人力资源. 部门主管将书面通知员工离职原因和有效终止日期.


的 following are examples of misconduct that warrant immediate disciplinary action. 的se examples do not preclude the college’s right to discipline, 暂停 or discharge employees for other causes. 的 college may also discipline, 暂停, or discharge employees for criminal or felonious acts which occur off college property. 严重不当行为的, 部门主管可立即将员工停职,等待事件调查.

Actions which the college considers serious breaches of acceptable conduct include, 但不限于:

  • 殴打、威胁、恐吓、骚扰或胁迫同事、学生或其他人
  • sexual or racial harassment or discrimination;
  • 在学校内运输或持有武器、火器、烟花或爆炸物;
  • 打架、挑起或教唆打架或进行危险的“胡闹”,可能导致他人受伤或财产受损;
  • 不服从或故意拒绝执行指定的任务或对主管进行任何形式的言语或身体虐待;
  • possessing or using 酒精 or illegal drugs during scheduled work hours;
  • 报告工作或在酒精或非处方药影响下工作和/或非法制造, 分布, 调剂, 占有, or use of controlled substances;
  • 在学校范围内超速、鲁莽驾驶或者违反学校安全规定和程序的;
  • 偷, 破坏, 或者玷污大学, 同事的, or students’ property or the improper or unauthorized use of college property;
  • 工作时睡觉;
  • indecency in language or behavior;
  • supplying false or misleading information on the employment application, personal information questionnaire, 或者福利表格, or altering or falsifying any college record (e.g., attendance records, financial records, student grades, inventories, etc.);
  • 接受礼物, 小费, 旅行, 或者来自公司的好处, organizations (their employees or agents), or other individuals who provide goods 和 services to the college, or otherwise taking advantage of your position for personal gain. 参见《澳门葡京博彩软件》(礼物和小费)查阅更多资料;
  • 利用你工作的办公室或部门要求或接受其他学院工作人员无法获得的优待或特殊特权和服务;
  • failing to maintain the confidentiality of college information;
  • gambling, lotteries, or other games of chance on college property;
  • duplicating or loaning college keys.


  • 旷课或迟到,经学院认定为无理由或过分的;
  • 将为某一特定目的而获批准的假期用于与获批准的目的不同的任何目的;
  • failing to report for work at the end of an authorized leave.

的 college has 和 reserves the right to discipline, 暂停或解雇员工或采取任何其他适当的行动,它认为有必要保护大学社区成员的权利和安全.

College Policy on Alcoholic Beverages

向21岁以下的人提供含酒精饮料是违反学校规定的. 2000年8月, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts adopted a statute which makes it a criminal offense, punishable by up to a year in jail 和 a $2,罚款000, for any person to furnish any 酒精ic beverage to a person under 21 years, parents or gr和parents of the person excepted. 该法适用于公共和私人活动,例如宴会或部门活动.

If a college employee violates this law, 任何损失或损害都是由参加活动的个人的行为造成的, 根据学院的一般责任政策,教职员工不会得到辩护或赔偿, because the act was criminal in nature. 的 potential financial 和 other liability for the individual is thus enormous.


Employees are expected to meet the performance st和ards for their positions. Problems with drugs or 酒精 can 和 do affect work performance. 在工作中遇到此类问题的员工有责任寻求帮助,这样他们的表现就不会对部门或学院的运作产生负面影响. Employees whose work performance is affected may be subject to corrective action. 澳门葡京博彩软件 cannot 和 will not tolerate drug or 酒精 use in the workplace.

In order to promote an environment free of substance abuse, the college supports an active program of community awareness 和 education. This program extends to the misuse or abuse of controlled substances, 包括处方药, 酒精, 和其他有害物质. 的 college also offers assistance with confidential counseling. 学校鼓励教职员工向员工援助计划推荐那些有吸毒或酗酒问题的员工.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers confidential counseling for employees confronting substance abuse. 员工或主管可以通过电话(855-784-2056)或在线(访问指导资源)与EAP联系.com, 和 use the Web ID SmithEAP).

人力资源办公室可以帮助员工找到适当的专业护理. Sick leave is available for physician-authorized absences for treatment. For additional information, please refer to the policies on Sick Leave, 家庭休假无薪休假.


All members of the 澳门葡京博彩软件 community are required to comply with copyright laws. Federal copyright laws provide valuable protection to the authors of original works, 和 澳门葡京博彩软件 expects all members of the Smith community to respect those rights. 版权法还允许受版权保护作品的使用者在某些有限的情况下合理使用受版权保护的材料. 澳门葡京博彩软件致力于在适用法律的规定下,全力支持澳门葡京博彩软件社区合理使用受版权保护的作品. 的 澳门葡京博彩软件 community is expected to have knowledge of, 和 make reasonable application of, 合理使用的四个要素. 不遵守版权法,不真诚地合理使用受版权保护的材料,将导致澳门葡京博彩软件社区成员为他或她的行为承担责任,并可能导致纪律处分.

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